Marie Fritjofs story:
To be able to ride again.

This is Marie Fritjof, who has been a patient at Yazen for 11 months. With the help of medical treatment and a team of doctors, dietitians, personal trainers and psychologists, Marie has lost over 30 kilograms in that time.

Name and age: Marie Fritjof, 54 år

Live: In Kungsbacka, south of Gothenburg, with her partner, son and dog.

Work as: Community Moderator at Yazen. It's amazing to be able to help others find the right path and get the help I got. Away with guilt and shame and forward with modern science and current knowledge.

Passion: To be able to sit at the craft table and be creative, as well as to spend hours in the stable with everything that comes with having a horse.

Life philosophy: “Don’t follow your dreams, chase them”

Weight loss: 30 kg

Marie has been overweight for almost her entire adult life, starting to diet as a teenager even though she didn't really need to. She has tried every diet there is, lost weight and then gained it all back plus a little more. Nothing has worked and the feeling of failure has been great.

Marie had begun to accept being fat for the rest of her life but had a hard time accepting that she was getting other diseases as a result of her obesity. She was diagnosed with high blood pressure, snoring at night, gout and breathing problems during physical activity.

When Marie gave up in her attempts to lose weight, a coworker told her that she had just started medical treatment for obesity while also receiving help from a team consisting of a doctor, dietitian, psychologist and personal trainer. Marie thought it sounded a little too good to be true and went home to Google further and investigate the matter. The next day she asked her coworker more questions about the service and then joined herself.

30 kilo lighter in 11 months.

It was simple! I downloaded the app and answered questions about myself. After a while – I got my first treatment with the drug GLP-1. After just a few hours, I was filled with an inner peace, as if this was a substance that my body had been missing for half its life!

In 11 months, Marie has lost over 30 kilograms and has thanks to this been able to stop taking her blood pressure medication, stop snoring, get rid of the terrible heartburn and she feels much better in her joints. In addition, it has become easy to move around.

I have a normal relationship with food today, where I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. That I dare to trust my body's own signals and not eat with my emotions.

Marie's goal has always been strong. To get on horseback and start riding again. Thanks to Yazen and the help she has received through them, the goal is now achieved, even if there are a few kilos left to goal weight. Marie has been given the opportunity to share a horse with her best friend. Stable chores and riding have now become her form of exercise, a part of everyday life, just as she so strongly desired.

I am so incredibly grateful for Yazen and the help I have received. I no longer feel guilt and shame but know that I can, as Yazen has given me the knowledge and science to succeed. The team has been fantastic to have on the journey, without them I would not have succeeded so well. To have support and someone to turn to when old habits and thoughts pop up, then they have been there and steered me back on the right path again. For that I will be eternally grateful! That I now get to be healthy and hopefully hang around in life for a while longer with good quality of life and energy to be active!

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I feel much more positive about the future and my health overall. My weight hasn't defined me, but it's just great now that going forward, I feel a bit more complete.

Annie is a marketing communication specialist who balances her professional life with family, as she has two young children. Over the past decade, she has faced challenges with weight management, particularly after her pregnancies, including struggles with health conditions that made weight loss difficult. Despite trying various weight loss methods, Annie realised they were not sustainable, leading her to seek a new approach through Yazen. Now, four months into her journey, she feels more positive, has developed healthier habits, and is motivated to pursue life goals, including better mental health and confidence in her body image.

Developed a more balanced diet (focusing on quality over quantity)
Improved mental well-being
Now has the confidence to train for a walking challenge
Motivated to pursue life goals


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