About obesity
The view of obesity is often that people have themselves to blame. That they are characterless and that it is their own fault that they are fat. New knowledge and modern research show that this is not true. The more we understand about our hormonal system, the more we realise that obesity or morbid obesity is a hormonal disorder. Satiety and hunger are controlled by the hormones in the stomach.
Are you someone who has tried "everything" and is ready to give up on your weight loss efforts?
You know almost everything about energy content, calories, dieting, and various ways to increase your metabolism - but eating moderate portions and trying to ignore thoughts about food and eating is a difficult challenge in everyday life.
Your appetite regulating hormones make it a constant battle between your knowledge and your behaviour. The hormones are constantly egging you to eat more, putting a damper on your weight loss plans.
But thanks to the latest research in all the areas that affect our eating and our weight, there are now new possibilities for those who want to lose weight.
Read more about how you can get help.

Further reading
Read more to understand what health benefits you can achieve, what treatment options are available and how you can regulate your appetite.